Kaira Looro 2025
Architecture Competition

Online in January 2025

Kaira Looro is the most important and influential architecture competition worldwide, open to students and young architects, focusing on the themes of humanitarian architecture for emergencies and development.

The 2025's jury panel features a jury made up of the most award-winning architects in the world, including: Kengo Kuma (Jury President since 2016), Benedetta Tagliabue (EMBT), Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem e Ramón Vilalta(RCR Arquitectes), Agostino Ghirardelli (SBGA), Sir David Adjaye OM OBE (David Adjaye Associates), Mario Cucinella (MCA), Amanda Levete (AL_A), Manuel Aires Mateus, Raul Pantaleo (TAM Associati), Giancarlo Mazzanti (El Equipo Mazzanti), Emmanuelle Moureaux, Saad El Kabbaj, Driss Kettani, Mohamed Amine Siana.

Kaira Looro is an unique non-profit event with the following goals: to discover and launch young architectural talents internationally through prestigious awards and internships at the most important architecture firms; to raise awareness in the international community about humanitarian emergencies; and to support charity projects by donating all competition proceeds (registration fees) to these causes.

The words “Kaira Looro” come from the language of the Mandinka people, an African culture in the area where the humanitarian projects are developed. The words mean “architecture for peace".
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Competition Awards


Kengo Kuma and Associates, Tokyo, Japan
Benedetta Tagliabue EMBT, Barcelona, Spain
Amanda Levete Architects , London, UK
SBGA Blengini Ghirardelli, Milan, Italy


5,000€ to 1st Prize
2,000€ to 2nd Prize
1,000€ to 3rd Prize
100€ to 2 Honorable Mentions
10 Special Mentions
35 Finalists


Construction of the winning project
International visibility with 500k impressum
Featuring on paper book worldwide
Exhibition and sharing with partners

2025's Jury

All architecture firms

Kaira Looro has the honor and pleasure of having on the jury some of the most famous and influential architects in the world, who share the humanitarian aims of the competition and who make up the jury. These are the architects abn architecture firms who collaborate or have collaborated with Kaira Looro in recent years.

Kengo Kuma
RCR Arquitectes Pritzker Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem e Ramón Vilalta
David Adjaye
Studio Blengini Ghirardelli Architects
Mario Cucinella Architects
Giancarlo Mazzanti
Aires Mateus
Amande Levete Architects
TAM Associati
emmanuelle moureaux architect
 driss kettani
Urko Sanchez Architects
Tosin Oshinowo - cmDesign Atelier

Previous winners

Bao Gia Luong

Bao Gia Luong

Winner of Kaira Looro 2024
Maternity Center

Artha Krisiantara

Artha Krisiantara

Winner of Kaira Looro 2023
Primary School

Ziyu Guo

Ziyu Guo

Winner of Kaira Looro 2022
Children's House

Juan Pablo Lopez Isabella

Juan Pablo Lopez Isabella

Winner of Kaira Looro 2021
Women's House

 Aleksandra Wróbel

Aleksandra Wróbel

Winner of Kaira Looro 2020
Emergency Operations Center

Kamil Owczarek

Kamil Owczarek

Winner of Kaira Looro 2020
Emergency Operations Center

Agnieszka Witaszek

Agnieszka Witaszek

Winner of Kaira Looro 2020
Emergency Operations Center

Changze Cai

Changze Cai

Winner of Kaira Looro 2019
Peace Pavillon

 Giacomo Spanio

Giacomo Spanio

Winner of Kaira Looro 2018
Cultural Center

Paolo Reali

Paolo Reali

Winner of Kaira Looro 2018
Cultural Center

Sergiu Cernea

Sergiu Cernea

Winner of Kaira Looro 2018
Cultural Center

Nicola Puppin

Nicola Puppin

Winner of Kaira Looro 2018
Cultural Center

Natalia Serafin

Natalia Serafin

Winner of Kaira Looro 2017
Sacred Architecture

Anita Wisniewska

Anita Wisniewska

Winner of Kaira Looro 2017
Sacred Architecture

Paulina Gorecka

Paulina Gorecka

Winner of Kaira Looro 2017
Sacred Architecture

Past Editions

Maternity Centre

Senegal, Africa

Contest for a selection of a Maternity Centre’ facility where women can feel safe, receive essential medical care, and enjoy optimal sanitary conditions.

Primary School

Senegal, Africa

Contest aimed for the selection of a new school model in the rural contexts of southern Senegal, to protect the right to education of every children.

Children's House

Senegal, Africa

Contest aimed of selecting an architecture as a warm and welcoming place where activities aimed at preventing child malnutrition can be carried out in a rural environment

Women's House

Baghere, Senegal

The objective of the architecture competition is the creation of a “Women’s House” within a symbolic and environmentally friendly structure that is inspired by local traditions, that can promote Gender Equality.

Emergency Operations Centre

Sub-Saharian Africa

Competition aimed to design an architecture that will house an EOC (Emergency Operations Center) and that can help to facilitate the humanitarian operations of international organisations.

Peace Pavilion

Sedhiou, Senegal, Africa

Remembering the victims through the universal value of peace can help to lay the foundation for the creation of an inclusive and cohesive society.

Cultural Center

Sedhiou, Senegal, Africa

Hundred-years old cultures give birth to Communities, being transmitted through rhymes of those who are narrating it and interpretating tha past through wisdom. One's accomplishments result from rituals and metamorphosis, bonding the human being to its own roots.

Sacred Architecture

Tanaff, Senegal, Africa

Introspection, spirituality and divinity. These are the elements around which the sacred architecture revolves. The light and the lightness of the materials join sacred and profane, creating an architecture.

Workshop '16

Catania, Italy, Europa

The event represented an international architecture workshop organized in september 2016 together with In/arch Sicilia and CA2Lab from University of Catania, aimed to support the Dam-Bridge project.